What will this Barbie wear? Milan Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2011

Bellissima Barbie… As Barbie, I love going to Italy because I am inamorato with the Italian men. I can just stare at them all day drinking my cafe macchiatos and snarfing down my pasta!! My Ken is not too pleased but que sera, sera. However I am here to shop my way through the Milan fashion shows so […]

Place des Abbesses Paris at Night

Just wanted to share this photo of the Book Store Journaux at Place des Abbesses in Paris, Montmartre as a homage to Georges the owner, who recently passed away.  He was a very sweet soul and will be missed by all who knew him. We had this really funny routine that would click in every […]

Moulin Rouge Night in Paris

I live just up the street from the Moulin Rouge in the 18th Arrondissement of Paris in Montmartre.  As I was coming out of the Metro at Place Blanche, I thought that it looked especially beautiful and decicded to take a few snaps that I wanted to share with you.  That’s all folks…Enjoy the view. […]

Hackers & Malicious Internet Attacks

BK Blog has had almost 2000 Malicious Attacks by a Hacker or Hackers over the last few days, which has caused us some major disruptions. We are in the process of trying to repair this problem. Sorry for any inconveniences this has caused. Our Hosting Server is on the case and we should have it […]

Telepathy, DNA and the Internet

Today more than ever, the realization of acts of Wonder , Innovation ,Creativity and True Greatness can only be achieved I believe when visualization of your ideal, that place you go to in your dreams can be transcribed in a way for all to plug in to and experience. The internet is becoming a hard […]

Seeking Moderators for Benjamin Kanarek Blog FORUM

Hello from Paris! The Benjamin Kanarek Blog Forum will be up shortly.  The topics will range from Fashion in the purist sense to all of those area’s that touch the realms of Fashion.  Will also discuss Fashion & Beauty Photography, the ancillary functions, the Photography Business, Creative Discussions and the Arts. There will also be […]