About thebkmag

Contributed by a thebkmag Team Member
Website: https://thebkmag.com/
thebkmag has written 214 articles so far, you can find them below.

What Would You Do?

What Would YOU Do if you were the United States of America, The United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada or a sovereign nation?

How Indian Fashion has risen to an Independent Fashion Industry

It is fascinating to see how the Indian fashion industry invites new things. How the industry was apprehensive towards large people and now one of the biggest fashion critics is overweight? How a blogger who is as young as many people’s daughter has created a revolution and is invited to fashion weeks globally?…

History Brush Tool in Photoshop

Today, I thought it would be the right day to write about a simple Photoshop-tool called the History-brush tool and how to start using it for a number of wonderful actions