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Benjamin Kanarek Blog WestEast Magazine Contest Information Update

I have compiled some pointers you might consider when embarking on the WestEast Magazine-Benjamin Kanarek Blog Fashion Photo Contest. A few days before you commence your photo shoot project ask yourself the following questions. 1. Do I have a well defined theme? 2. Do the clothing correspond with the story board or mood board? Is […]

About WestEast Magazine

There have been several contestants from our Benjamin Kanarek Blog-WestEast Magazine Fashion-Beauty Photography Contest who have asked or made queries in to WestEast Magazine’s background.  Here is some information about WestEast taken from their Press Kit. About WestEast MAGAZINE West fuses with East. East meets West. W.E. is a new breed of Style Culture/Design boutique […]

Fashion and Beauty Contest #2 News

Special Announcement… Due to the poor showing for our second Fashion and Beauty Contest, it will be postponed until further notice.  Thanks to those that did send in submissions.  We will keep them on file until we decide whether to revive the contest or not. Thanks The BKBlog Team

My Favorite Focal Length Lenses for Shooting Beauty

Studio Beauty In my last article I discussed which focal lengths I prefer for shooting Studio Fashion and my reasons. Beauty photography like Fashion is really a very subjective matter and the focal length one chooses will have a major effect on the final perspective rendition of the image.  However in saying that, I have […]

Mood Boards

I was asked what a Mood Board is and how it differs from a Story Board. This may seem convoluted but this is how I described what a Mood Board is: A Mood Board, unlike a Story Board, does not indicate a progression of images that will actually be shot, nor the actual setting. What […]