To be quite honest and no offence to those sensitive ears reading this out there, I really don’t give a rats ass regarding their impending divorce, arguments, daily bowel movements and other “interesting” bits of gossip. To be more direct, I don’t give a shit about either of them! They represent “the dumbing down of our society at large”, the “I am famous for being well known” societal sector. They represent the “what do you want to do when you grow up?” “I just want to be famous” generation that has been polluting us for several years. The less we highlight their meaningless, banal, day in and day out pedestrian uninspired existence, the better are the chances of society recuperating from this global malaise.
They represent a horrible dark age for creativity, an uninspiring epoch of the “reality show” paradigm. In my view, any news about “them” is a totally useless waste of our precious time. Perhaps this “news” about a pending divorce, is just a ruse to gain more traction, chatter and followers to their already bulbous loyal following.
Anyhow, just give me a good film, current events article, book or documentary to nurture my heart and mind! But then again, readership is king and everyone in the press and blogosphere jumps on the proverbial bandwagon when it comes to the Kanye West, Kardashian, etc. ilk…I guess this article makes me as guilty as the rest. There you have it…diatribe over!