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History Brush Tool in Photoshop

Today, I thought it would be the right day to write about a simple Photoshop-tool called the History-brush tool and how to start using it for a number of wonderful actions

Working in 16 Bit Mode in Photoshop

by: Dietmar Kohl Photographer Dietmar Kohl shares with us his technique for working in 16 bit mode in Photoshop. Thanks Dietmar, I’m sure this will be very helpful to those wishing to maintain the highest resolution when retouching your images. Benjamin Kanarek So here we go… I just downloaded  the RAW images and started to […]

The “How Did You Do That?” Question

I am often asked the question, “How Did You Do That?” I could very simply answer the question which I often do and the results that person gets isn’t what he/she was expecting. If I talk about post production, yes the actions on the image will be as I recommended, but when asked about the results of a shoot, I more often than not get a disappointing, “it doesn’t look like yours…!”

More than photography

What you are seeing when you look at an image I create, is not just my photo. There is a team of individuals providing their talent (which in general is of the highest caliber in the industry) and expertise to the final outcome.