Recalling Guy Laroche

Since I posted “Recalling Pierre Cardin”, there have been several requests to post some of my earlier work from my archives. I have always had the greatest respect for French Designer Guy Laroche’s work and found a couple of advertorials I did for him that appeared in VOGUE Paris and L’ Officiel magazines from the […]

Photography Teachers?

I have recently noticed several advertisements of those that are teaching photography. At a school of photography as a guest speaker I was asked what my thoughts were regarding the whole -I can teach you photography thing…

“Eyes of Laura Mars”

Eyes of Laura Mars I was inspired to write this short introduction to this film from 1978 starring Faye Dunaway called “Eyes of Laura Mars” by someone on a photography forum that said that some of my imagery reminded him of the film.  I had totally forgotten how affected I was by this film as […]

The “Umbrella Light” Controversy

I never would have expected that sharing my “generalist” view of a photography lighting technique could cause such a stir. Now in reading many of the responses to my essay, it seems that I could perhaps give greater clarification to what I stated.

More than photography

What you are seeing when you look at an image I create, is not just my photo. There is a team of individuals providing their talent (which in general is of the highest caliber in the industry) and expertise to the final outcome.