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Technical Tips

Post Reporting on Photography Techniques, Tips and Advice

My All Time Favorite Lenses

My All Time Favorite Lenses As I have worked with many of the SLR’s and Medium Format camera’s out there, I want to share with you some of my favorites.  In my career I used Nikon, Canon, Pentax SLR’s and all of the Medium Format stuff out there. My choices are based on my most […]

The “How Did You Do That?” Question

I am often asked the question, “How Did You Do That?” I could very simply answer the question which I often do and the results that person gets isn’t what he/she was expecting. If I talk about post production, yes the actions on the image will be as I recommended, but when asked about the results of a shoot, I more often than not get a disappointing, “it doesn’t look like yours…!”

“Eyes of Laura Mars”

Eyes of Laura Mars I was inspired to write this short introduction to this film from 1978 starring Faye Dunaway called “Eyes of Laura Mars” by someone on a photography forum that said that some of my imagery reminded him of the film.  I had totally forgotten how affected I was by this film as […]

The “Umbrella Light” Controversy

I never would have expected that sharing my “generalist” view of a photography lighting technique could cause such a stir. Now in reading many of the responses to my essay, it seems that I could perhaps give greater clarification to what I stated.

Blade Runner Lighting… Sort Of

In the film Blade Runner, the lighting was strange and beautiful. It was also very challenging to the technicians. Making the actors look good under the type of lighting used was a real feat. Kino Flo lighting was often used and not conventionally.

The Benjamin Kanarek Camera Waves Internet Radio Interview

Here is my interview by Phillip Skulte for Camera Waves Radio which was done about two and a half years ago.  I talk about how I got started.  The ups and downs of the ‘Biz’.  My different sponsorships.  Photo gear, Fashion and all kinds of other tid-bits you may enjoy… Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 […]

some of my music stuff

I guess being creative, is being creative, no matter what the tool is.  The tool is just the device allowing you to express yourself through it.  It is the interface allowing you to get out physically that which you could not otherwise.  All creative exercises need tools that act as the interface between the idea […]

Why I HATE Ummm…brella Lighting

Why I HATE Ummm…brella Lighting… If you want to get me to fall asleep, just show me some images shot with umbrella lighting. Now I am not talking Richard Avedon, because Richard Avedon did a lot more than capture images with a single  umbrella, he captured a moment that is so his signature, that anyone […]

Continuous Lighting vs Flash Lighting in Fashion Photography… Part 5

In Part 4, we were left facing the subject, we had tested the light and had to determine the difference between the foreground and background intensity. You also had to decide how much of the principal subject was going to be lit. Now that you have done your test shots and are satisfied with how it looks, you can commence shooting with this very simple lighting set up.

Continuous vs Flash Lighting Flash Lighting in Fashion Photography… Part 4

Now that you have your light set up for the model and the reflection of the object on the background, it is time to determine the ambiance your wish to create. If you are looking for a more “Cinema Noir” look you may wish to isolate the foreground from the background by increasing the out put of the flash on the subject and letting the background go darker by another 1 to 2 stops.