Several years ago, I would pick up my camera, put on a lens, start taking photos and not think twice about the outcome.
The responsibility was mine to produce the goods and if I didn’t it was usually my fault. Well, more and more, those days are over. I am so overwhelmed with complaints by users of camera gear around the world expressing their dissatisfaction with the quality of their lenses and camera’s that a new phenomena is occurring called the “Fear of Fotography” syndrome.
In the past I never feared using my gear. But that has also changed. I have had several QC problems that have effected me in a way I never thought possible and that is the “Fear of Fotography” syndrome. Will my images be in focus? Will my lens auto focus mechanism fail? Will my camera die? etc.
There is nothing more frustrating then having your assistant say to you while shooting, “what is wrong with the lens, it is making strange noises…” and I respond “Frigging thing isn’t focussing…” or “It is taking too long to focus!”
I’ll keep this short and sweet. Manufacturers of camera gear, get your shit together and make the stuff work before loading it on the public and us professionals who depend on your gear for our livelihood.
I have a very simple philosophy. When I do a shoot, I want to forget that I am holding camera gear. I want the gear to become transparent, where I forget I am using it. I don’t want the gear screaming, “Look at me, look at me, I am “F’ing” up your shoot!”
Nuff Said…