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Good Budget Zoom Lenses

Fixed focal length lenses are no longer the be all and end all in lens optics heaven. I have used several zoom lenses that compete quit readily with some of the fixed lenses I have used. I would love to hear from those of you using zooms and your impressions

My Favorite Focal Length Lenses for Shooting Beauty

Studio Beauty In my last article I discussed which focal lengths I prefer for shooting Studio Fashion and my reasons. Beauty photography like Fashion is really a very subjective matter and the focal length one chooses will have a major effect on the final perspective rendition of the image.  However in saying that, I have […]

Camera and Lens Quality Control?

Several years ago, I would pick up my camera, put on a lens, start taking photos and not think twice about the outcome. The responsibility was mine to produce the goods and if I didn’t it was usually my fault.  Well, more and more, those days are over. I am so overwhelmed with complaints by […]

Continuous Lighting vs Flash Lighting in Fashion Photography… Part 5

In Part 4, we were left facing the subject, we had tested the light and had to determine the difference between the foreground and background intensity. You also had to decide how much of the principal subject was going to be lit. Now that you have done your test shots and are satisfied with how it looks, you can commence shooting with this very simple lighting set up.