Here is a real-life #EmilyInParis moment that happened to me last night walking in #Montmartre #Paris…
Last Night in Paris walking with Freddy, on a very narrow sidewalk (as a result of Covid 19 restrictions and due to the newly installed terraces that take up most of the space), I accidentally bumped into someone on the sidewalk in Montmartre, Paris. Due ot that unfortunate mishap, I was treated like I just puked on their clothing, insulted their newborn baby or even worse, dissed them or something equally disgusting! But my crime was not seeing someone and bumping into them…I actually did a Canadian and said “Oh, so sorry, pardon me, so sorry, really are you OK…???” it wasn’t even them I bumped into as they were sitting in an outside bar without any masks on. It was someone bent over talking to them blocking the sidewalk on rue des Abbesses near the Sancerre and the wine store Cave des Abbesses that I didn’t see…and what did they say “You idiot look where you’re walking…” They looked at me with such rage!

So, that was the straw that broke the camels back! I said, “look I am so sorry, I am just a spastic Canadian, really sorry…ah…Come to think of it GO F**K yourself… I mean really GO F**K yourself!” I walked away thinking of every other pretentious asshole I have met in the fashion industry who treated me and many others with disdain and disrespect! Why the RANT? The opposite of the word unpretentious sparked that unsavoury memory from last night! Ass****S!