I was walking up in the 18th District of Paris and to my surprise off in the distance, I see what I think are a couple of stuffed toys, but as I approached, I realized that these little “Dinky Toys“ were the real deal.
Let me introduce you to Coco (Of Course) and Ashley… Two of the most fashionable Yorkshire doggies in Paris. I couldn’t help but go gaga over these two very calm and sweet animals. Their Rhinestone studded collars were a perfect match adding that certain “je ne sais quoi“.
Coco is preparing for a litter of NOT so Pink Yorkshires coming in around 6 weeks.
But who knows, I could be wrong. Perhaps this might be one of those little freaks of nature a fluke that occurs once in a while just to have us stop for a moment and wonder about this glorious world around us.
Maybe “Pink“ knows something that we don’t… Watch the Video