A Very Short Rant on the Russia Ukraine Conundrum

Russia & Ukraine

Russia & Ukraine

I think it is time that things start to ratchet down in the Ukraine-Russian conflict. We in the rest of the World should not get suckered into this potential maelstrom of a nightmare. Mr. Putin is playing a very dangerous game of chess here.


But then again, I doubt if any of this would have happened had the Ukrainian Government respected the election that voted in their President and rather than forcing him out illegally, waited to vote him out in an orderly and constitutional manner. Simply put, there is a major conundrum here that needs to be resolved and solved with due diligence before all Hell Burns Loose! Really!
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Chest or is That Chess

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About Benjamin Kanarek
Fashion and Beauty Photographer. Some of the magazines I have shot for include: VOGUE (China, Portugal, Brazil, Italia, Paris and South America & Mexico editions), RG VOGUE Brazil, Harper’s BAZAAR (China, en Español & Latin America, Hong Kong, Italy editions), L’Officiel Paris, ELLE (Spain, Portugal and Greece editions), Madame Figaro (France), Cosmopolitan (France and Italy editions), Glamour (France), Votre Beauté, Jardin des Modes, Dépêche Mode, New York Daily News, Fashion District News, New York Times Magazine, W (British edition), WWD, Fashion Magazine (Canada), Flare (Canada), Oyster, Tank, WestEast…