Man, talk about how NOT to get a job in this business. I really think those of you who are seriously considering getting in to this business of fashion, hair, make-up, styling, set design, modelling and or photography and really wanting to make a go of it and for that matter in any business, you really have to NOT do this… Try not to insult directly or indirectly the person you are attempting to do business with. I mean, don’t even allude to or comment on your dissatisfaction with what he-she said did or didn’t do.
Now I know that this is more than one line, thus the reason it is now in the Politics of Fashion section,but after you have been briefed for the job and when you show up with your make-up, hair, styling or set design portfolio, don’t rail on that person afterwards for not getting back to you especially after YOU decided NOT to do the job in the first place or that person was waiting on whether you wanted to do the job and was waiting for you to get back to him or her with your feedback. Does this sound convoluted? Well it is and is meant to be. Why? Because it is MY Rant…For those of you who do understand, good on you. For those of you who don’t, don’t worry, you probably haven’t experienced the experience or just don’t get it.