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Charles Frederick Worth

Charles Frederick Worth

Runway to Red Carpet in Armani Privé Haute Couture

While Haute Couture is highly celebrated on the red carpet, many fashion insiders seem confused over the true concept of the term. Four years ago, I made a short, personal film that documented my journey as an Armani Privé client. At the time, a British newspaper commented, “(Haute Couture) is such an elitist thing and […]
on 24/03/2011

The Fashion Playground from Chanel to McQueen…

Or… How I forgot to move on and am still on the Merry-Go-Round by: Benjamin Kanarek Looking around me during one of my fashion shoots, something struck me as very interesting and that was that those around me who were considered the Fashionably Fashionable were more than just Fashion conscious, they were attuned to a […]