Lee Alexander McQueen © Derrick Santini

Alexander McQueen, I never knew him

I never knew him… But

Lee Alexander McQueen © Derrick Santini

Whenever someone is prematurely plucked away from this mortal coil and jettisoned to that other place that all of us go to eventually, I ponder the what if and the why this happened.

I never knew him, but I knew his work. Every time I had an opportunity to see what he produced, I was awe struck by the innovation, uniqueness and novelty of his Art Pieces.

I never knew him, but I could understand his angst and frustration with much of the mundane surrounding him. His works were perhaps the personification of where and what he wished the world could be and found solace in the fact that he could use his form of expression as the tool for doing so.

Monica Castillo in Religions - Skirt Alexander McQueen © Benjamin Kanarek

I never knew him, but he left us too young, as so many artists have in the past and will in the future. That is unfortunate…

I never knew him and his name was Alexander McQueen and “Lee” Alexander McQueen to those close to him.

Rest in Peace

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