The Real Stories from “Tale of the Unexpected” for Harper’s BAZAAR…

I recently suggested that it would be great if those wishing to write a short story to illustrate my images from the “Tale of the Unexpected” editorial for Harper’s BAZAAR Hong Kong to submit them to BKBlog. Well, I presently have three (3) that I want to share with you. Some really great stuff indeed. The first two illustrate Katie Fogarty and the Blue Chickens and the third story speaks to Katie and the Red Kettle. I have also provided the links to each of the very talented authors that contributed to this exercise. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Story 1

The Girl in Blue∑..
Cornelia strode with determination through fields of blue-green grass undulating in the summer breeze. She called, but none of her brood ran to her with rapter toes extended like feathered dinosaurs. Fear clenched at her heart as she scanned the blue horizon. There, a sliver of black extending vertically like a javelin hurled from one world into the next. Cornelia’s shimmering midnight blue boots stepped closer. One red tipped hand caressed the air and the sliver expanded.
A doorway. Cornelia breathed in the heady cocktail of scents, and her gaze swept the unfamiliar. There, before her were her chickens, pecking at the ground in search of nourishment. But there could be no nourishment here in this shadow land.
She should call them back, retreat to the cool lake in the emerald forest, but the lure of the unknown was so strong that Cornelia surrendered, and walked through the doorway into another world.
Sally Clements

Story 2

Conjuring Katie
There once was a lovely young lady, for to conjure just speak the name, Katie. If you say it too quick, you’ll get nothing but chicks, and blue feathers they’ll grow for you maybe.
But back to our magical mistress, and the deeds she will do on your hit list. Yes, you are correct in your suspects, that young Katie’s herself a Hit-Lady.
A wizard of enormous proportions, suspected in court for extortion’s, once again conjured Kate. She appeared in a state interrupted, she was fraught, in contortions.
Kate appeared in his library side door. Her distaste, she well knew, he would ignore. He pulled out his list, of whom he’d have her hit. But she said, It will cost you your Concorde.
Well, to this the old man he did smile. His Concorde’d been grounded a while.  So he said but of course, and I’ll toss in my horse. Kate seemed pleased by his obvious guile.
When her job Kate had finished with speed, she awaited her payment, with glee. The grand wizard soon paid her what he thought she’d asked for, but she said, How mistaken are thee.

In what way? You’ve my horse and my Concorde? Kate replied, Then you’d best hit the road. I’ve Conned not your Corde but your Conquered I’ve scored. They’re enchanted no more so take flight, wingless man. They’re your foes.

Kristi Thompson

Story 3

The Mischievous Kettle
Scarlet put the kettle on,
And donned her favourite gown,
Her darling deer turned twigs to fire,
The kettle let her down.
It would not boil the water,
It spat and cursed and blew,
Lord Lusciousness was due for tea,
Just what should Scarlet do?
“You’re jealous, aged kettle!
I command you, make my tea!”
Yet still the kettle would not boil,
Intent on trickery.
The water chilled while Scarlet paced,
Her deer made up a spell,
To boil the tea and set things right,
The deer was parched as well.
Lord Lusciousness came knocking,
He had no time for tea,
His appetites were hot and fierce,
He got down on one knee.
“Come Scarlet, do not tarry here,
My passion is aflame!”
They kissed, they fawned, they made sweet love,
The kettle blushed with shame.
And so it is, dear readers,
Pots and pans must know their station,
For tinkers come for kettles,
That will meddle with libation.

By Judy Jarvie &

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Happy Hanukkah 2013