Our new fashion editor…

Benjamin and Frédérique called to ask me to participate as a regular on his blog as a Fashion Editor and I said, “Cool, yeah no problem.”

I love the idea of being a regular on this blog. So, let me introduce myself…

Nath portraitI am isa the designer behind “isa maïsa“. I live in a wonderful little village not far from Paris situated on the Seine River and surrounded by the largest forest in France. I love it here! I am a Country mouse, and not a city rat. I have been in the fashion industry in some form or another for almost 30 years. Whew!

Did Make-up, was a showroom representative, seamstress, assistant to a Directrice de la Haute Couture as well as having worked with a few designers before beginning my own thing. Now I am designing tee shirts which I love to create and wear, making one-of-a-kind tees. The freedom I feel with this type of design exercise is incredible!!

I speak 3 languages fluently: French, English, and Spanish. This is not due to higher I.Q., but having been raised in a household of many languages. My mother is Bolivian and my father is French and we lived in the States while I was growing up. Pretty simple. I love to travel and have seen and experienced quite a few different “worlds” and I pick up languages easily no matter what it is.

I frequently travel between the United States and France on a regular basis being that my company is based in both. I am presently living in France. But, you never know where life will take you, so I always keep my options open.

I am psyched about being on Benjamin’s blog as a Fashion Editor and am looking forward to sharing my views and hearing your comments.

Opening photo isa maïsa T-shirt

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