To all of our Dear Jewish friends, wishing you a very Happy Passover 2013
Leaving Egypt
The night is so dark
and I am afraid.
I see nothing, smell nothing,
the only reality—
I am holding my mother’s hand.
And as we walk
I hear the sounds
of a multitude in motion—
in front, behind,
all around,
a multitude in motion.
I have no thought of tomorrow,
now, in the darkness,
there is only motion
and my mother’s hand.
© Merle Feld, Finding Words, URJ Press 2011
Perhaps the poet is imagining herself leaving Egypt as a child (though I’ve heard some interpret this poem as referring to an adult sojourner solicitously guiding an aged parent) – how might you imaginatively locate yourself in the “going out” story this year? Feel free to play with multiple personae, multiple versions of your own “going out” story…
What is hard for you about transitions, liminal moments? Who/what do you hold onto for support?
What is exciting, enlivening about transitions, liminal moments? What gifts do such times of life offer?
Wishing you a joyous holiday, an experience of deepening and lightening. For many years I had a tradition of calling an old friend on the eve of the holiday with the sentiment, “I’ll be looking for you as we all go out from Egypt tonight.” Perhaps think about who you want to call to (re)connect with in this season; who will you “be looking for” as you go out from Egypt this year and (re)claim your freedom?