Beauty Shoot for “Citizen K” Magazine “How Did I Do it?”

Recently, I received an e-mail from someone who saw my image on my introduction page of my blog, asking “… How did you do it?” I will not include what he speculated, which was actually quite close.

For those of you wishing to participate, I would like you to tell me, what you think I did. I will eventually tell you all the technique I employed for this particular beauty photography  shoot for Citizen K International.

So, go ahead and tell me what your impressions are. Post your answer on the Forum and on my Blog. That way, everyone who has participated can see all of the responses.


So, here is the lighting set up for the shot.
A 4 bulb Kino Flo Light, lit from below with a white shoot through diffuser.
An Opalight diffuser on a Profoto flash head shooting down at around 60 degrees and around 1 meter above and 2 meters back from the model.
Two Profoto bare bulb flash heads, one on either side of the model at around 100 degrees just slightly off the 90 degree axis of the model.
Two HMI 1.2 Kilo Cinema Lights for the backdrop, shooting down to achieve the gradation.
Full Blue Gelatins on all of the flash sources and a Midnight Blue Gelatin on the HMI’s using a Blue Backdrop.
Shot with a Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 Lens at f25.0 at 1/8th of a second & a good old Canon 20D.

Converted to B&W in Photoshop.


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