Paulo Coelho for RG VOGUE by Benjamin Kanarek

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with author Paulo Coelho for the RG VOGUE Brazil June 2010 issue. He was a real pleasure to be with. He is funny, witty and amiable. He is extremely open and received us warmly at his apartment in Geneva, Switzerland.

Paulo Coelho © Benjamin Kanarek 2010

Paulo has a great sense of humor and isn’t afraid to share what’s on his mind when he has something to say. I won’t go in to a major diatribe about his accomplishments. We all know he wrote the Alchemist amongst many others. Paulo has written approximately one novel every two years including most recently The Aleph, Brida, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, The Fifth Mountain, Veronika Decides to Die, The Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, Like the Flowing River, The Valkyries itch of Portobello. But perhaps what you didn’t know was that he is also an accomplished song writer as well, composing lyrics for Elis Regina, Rita Lee, and Brazilian icon Raul Seixas

Paulo Coelho fo RG VOGUE © Benjamin Kanarek 2010

And check out Paulo Coelho’s Blog

The Behind the Scenes Video

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