Jean Dujardin of the Artist did Not win the César French Academy Awards

Jean Dujardin in “The Artist” directed by Michel Hazanavicius

A Short and LOUD Rant!

It is So Sad that Jean Dujardin Star of The Artist did NOT win the César the French equivalent of the Oscars (Academy Awards).

“The Artist has picked up more than 70 accolades around the world to become the most awarded French film in history” according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The American Film Industry have adorned Dujardin with Praises and Prizes, yet the French rather than acknowledging Dujardin’s talent and wishing to show their difference, decide to shyte on their own door step and deny him the prize! Omar Sy Star of the Untouchable’s a huge success in France with over 19,000,000 viewers, although a very fine comedian and actor should not (in my humble opinion) have won the award.

Cesar Award

It is an extremely important film industry political decision to show consensus and not to show fragmentation by supporting your artists, especially so close to the Oscars. I guess those judging the outcome do not think it is COOL that the Americans gave Dujardin so much credit. I suspect they think he is not sophisticated enough. Well, that is how one adds to the destruction of a vibrant and thriving industry. By not supporting their own artist they cast a very negative shadow on their own home grown talent and industry! France is in the process of killing their Fashion Industry in the same way!

The Americans are confident enough in their own industry that they can reward Non-American films without feeling threatened. As a caveat, there is a similar problem in the Music Industry in France, where what is left of the major labels are just remnants of what was once a thriving industry. Some of the most successful French acts have left France for greener pastures as have many of the best talent in Fashion, Photography and Creative Internet Development Industries.

As Frédérique Renaut, our Fashion Director so aptly stated:

The Americans and The Brits are allowing foreign films to compete in the same categories. How interesting to see “Hugo Cabret” an American film, talking about the Paris of the 30’s and “The Artist”, a French film, talking about Hollywood in the 20’s and both competing for an Oscar. At the Cesar, “Hugo Cabret” was able to be nominated once only, in the Best Foreign Film category. So yes the restrictions in France are quite clear indeed.

The doors have been opened in the US to a film that everyone rejected when it came to financing it. Yes, France will be the only country that did not recompense Jean Dujardin (if he wins the Oscar tomorrow night), as I consider the Prix d’Interprétation from the International Film Festival of Cannes, an award given by an International Jury, presided by Robert De Niro, thus an International and not French Award.

Good Luck to the Arts and the Artists in France!!!

Vive la France, because they need it now more than ever!

Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo in The Artist directed by Michel Hazanavicius
Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo in The Artist directed by Michel Hazanavicius

Link Here Jean Dujardin Wins the OSCAR 

  1. I’m not gonna lie… I’m French and I usually hate when people criticize my country but after what I saw tonight at the César… I’ll tell you, I TOTALLY AGREE with you!!!! That a huge shame because Jean Dujardin deserved this award more than anyone else and this article explains exactly what I think. I can’t even imagine how he feels (I’m sure the Cesar would have been more important to him than the Oscar)
    He receives awards EVERYWHERE in the world but his own country tells him “we don’t give a shit about you”

  2. Jean Dujardin didn’t win the Cesar but Omar Sy, who wins it, is a really good actor in the movie “Intouchable”!
    Omar wins the Cesar to let the Oscar to Jean!
    I am French and I am very pride of Jean because his career is amazing.
    Allez Jean, la France est avec toi! Tu mérites tout ce qui t’arrive! =)

    1. Unfortunately, France has just proved that is own country is not backing him!
      So yes, Let’s go for the Academy Awards were at least the Americans open the door for international feature films and actors to compete in the same categories.

  3. All of the performances were really good, so it is not really about who was the best actor. We all know, that the César Awards are more often than not political choices. (Michel Blanc won the first César of his career tonight and it was for a supporting actor… Patrick Dewaere never got one, as it was said tonight…). Omar Sy has time to get a César. Even if he is very good, he is starting his acting career. 
    But when a feature film like “The Artist” and someone like Jean who is acclaimed worldwide, I think a little bit of back up from his own country would have been appreciated. There is nothing wrong in being proud of our international success and endorsing it. In Hollywood, Jean Dujardin was singing the Marseillaise at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, not sure he will feel like it in 2 days, if he wins the Academy Awards.
    We really do not know how to back up and promote our own industry, cause it is not just art it is an industry. This is scary…

  4. I’m not agree with you “French Girl”.
    I’m french too and Omar Sy is a really good actor In “Intouchables” and Jean is also a good actor in “The Artist” but Omar is amazing in this movie.
    In France, “Intouchables” is more famous than “The Artist” which is more famous in the U-S.
    Jean and Omar deserve this award.

  5. I’m not French but I’m really upset about this all… even though it’s just another award I’m sure it was very important for him, because of what it represents: the support of his home country he is so proud of. I wonder what’s wrong with being proud of success, and backing someone who has done more good to France’s image in the world this year than everybody else put together.

  6. Do you know the Omar Sy, the guy who won the cesar? Do you see his movie? Honestly, he really deserved it. In France, we thought he would be great if Jean wins the cesar because of the oscar but we also thought that if he won, it was a shame because Omar was better.
    That’s all. Stop thinkg we’re always against American. That’s so ridiculous.
    And just one thing. Berenice Bejo won the cesar for the best actress. I’m so glad for her. She takes her revenge. She’s nominated for best supporting actress. What a shame! In the movie, she’s not a supporting actress. In France, we’re clever enough to have nominated her best actress.

  7. Do you know the Omar Sy, the guy who won the cesar? Do you see his movie? Honestly, he really deserved it. In France, we thought he would be great if Jean wins the cesar because of the oscar but we also thought that if he won, it was a shame because Omar was better.
    That’s all. Stop thinkg we’re always against American. That’s so ridiculous.
    And just one thing. Berenice Bejo won the cesar for the best actress. I’m so glad for her. She takes her revenge. She’s nominated for best supporting actress. What a shame! In the movie, she’s not a supporting actress. In France, we’re clever enough to have nominated her best actress.

  8. Do you know the Omar Sy, the guy who won the cesar? Do you see his movie? Honestly, he really deserved it. In France, we thought he would be great if Jean wins the cesar because of the oscar but we also thought that if he won, it was a shame because Omar was better.
    That’s all. Stop thinkg we’re always against American. That’s so ridiculous.
    And just one thing. Berenice Bejo won the cesar for the best actress. I’m so glad for her. She takes her revenge. She’s nominated for best supporting actress. What a shame! In the movie, she’s not a supporting actress. In France, we’re clever enough to have nominated her best actress.

    1. The Academy Awards acknowledges the talent from outside of their country. They can nominate actors and feature films from outside of their country and compete with their own industry. For The Césars, the criteria is different, an actor in a foreign film cannot compete for best actor. For example Jamie Foxx in Ray, as it was quoted earlier, cannot be nominated in France… That is “l’Exception Culturelle Française”.
      The question is not who was the best actor. It is a political vote from people from the French Cinema Industry. The César is a selling and marketing tool, that is far from an artistic decision. As cinema is far from Art. Cinema is an entertainment industry and is financially driven. 
      We are really good at causing industrial accident. In France, we like to bet against the favorite and we are good at organizing the exodus of our talents.

  9. Wow ok you have the right to have your own opinion but when I think about all those artist who diserve to have won an Oscar and didn’t … I just think you need to shut up, I do love both performance a lot, the difference is the magic that Omar bring to is caracter, and of course jean dujardin is stunning but in my opinion the artist is awesome because of the topic, the all movie and not because dujardin is a good actor… In untouchable, Omar sy made the movie as Jamie Foxx in ray… And please don’t talk about art like we lose it, when USA think entertainment is art… Thx by a French dude

  10. It would have difficult for the French to agree with Americans concerning Dujardin.  After all, they (the Americans) are generally seen as tasteless cultural barbarians by the cultural elite, are they not?  Even worse, the very theme of his film referenced American (silent) cinema without even so much as a passing nod to the early French film industry.  Also, perhaps the committee which awards the Césars figured that “The Artist” had already received top honors in Hollywood.  The ‘logical’ choice was to give recognition to what – if nothing else – is a nearly universally-acclaimed film here in France. Sort of a way of “sharing the wealth'” with what was seen as an equally meritorious work.     

    1. Although not being American but Canadian does not negate my perspective and opinion that although Omar Sy did an exemplary performance in the “Untouchable’s”, it may have been wise to have had the French Film Industry back the favorite for the Oscars, “the Artist” as a show of their non compromised support.

      1. It’s not like the French film industry has been throwing stones at “The Artist”.   Dujardin has already won just about every award out there.  A French César would certainly have been the cherry on the cake, but I still believe that some sort of (surprising) sense of Gallic fair-play influenced the decision to tip the balance in favor of the “Untouchables.”  
        For those interested, there’s an excellent critical piece that references “The Artist” and the  art of the silent film by David Denby in the New Yorker: 

  11. Was Omar Sy good in Intouchables? Yes there is no denying it! But I certainly do not think he was any better than Jean Dujardin! Omar Sy is a comedian and even though it would not be quite accurate to reduce his performance to that of a comedian, there is still something true in that statement. All in all, although to me it should have gone to Jean Dujardin, one could make a good case about how both deserved the César. But what bothers me here is that I do have the feeling that Jean Dujardin did not win the award just so the French Academy could prove a point: it is not because Dujardin is internationally praised and awarded that they are going to let themselves be influenced by it, a sort of way for them to assert themselves probably even due to a kind of bitterness on their part for having one of the most popular French actors be taken away from them especially during this award season….. Thing is, it is very likely that Jean Dujardin is going to end up going home with the Academy Award for Best Actor which means that ironically the only country that will have failed to do him this honor will be his own!

  12. Jean Dujardin also started as a comedian, Omar Sy is the first black comedian to get a César, it’s a pretty strong political message too ! I love Jean, and I was disappointed for him, but at the same time, with all the other prizes his career is boosted, but one César can change Omar life, Jean’s has already changed thanks to the American though he doesn’t have the Oscar yet) and the British, don’t forget the BAFTA. I think you love Jean but are far too critical of France, The Artist had 7 César last night, Berenice Bejo had one, that’s not killing the movie… And Untouchable is the most successful french film in decades, it has good success in GErmany and India too ! And about being confident enough to give prizes to other country, Carmen Maura got a César last night … and she is spanish. So please think before you react harshly

    1. Is the color of the skin now a criteria? What an lame argument! 
      We are talking about backing up an industry and make it shine outside of its borders. When you get a winner that is internationally prized you do not divide the recompenses, you strengthen them. Why don’t we ask a Rugby Team to forget about playing the final because they have won everything so far?For once, we are having a French film that is exportable as it is, without having to go through an American remake, we back up our winner with all of our strengh, so that more original copies can be produced from France and exported in their original format.Carmen Maura won last night because she was acting in a French Film. That is a huge difference. The American, The Brits are allowing foreign films to compete in the same categories. How interesting to see “Hugo Cabret” an American film, talking about the Paris of the 30’s and “The Artist”, a French film, talking about Hollywood in the 20’s and both competing for an Oscar. At the Cesar, “Hugo Cabret” was able to be nominated once only, in the Best Foreign Film. So yes the restrictions in France are clear. The doors have been opened in the US to a film that everyone rejected when it came to financing it. Yes, France will be the only country that did not recompense Jean Dujardin (if he wins the Oscar tomorrow night), as I consider the Prix d’Interprétation from the International film Festival of Cannes, an award given by an International Jury, presided by Robert De Niro, an International Award.

      1. Wow you are quite agressive.
        Yes sadly the color of skin is an argument, it shows that finally France recognizes the talent of everyone, and it does give hope to all the youngsters from the suburbs who started on their own, with their own comic shows (just like Jean Dujardin).
        I’m not saying that Untouchable is better than The Artist, or that Omar Sy is better than Jean Dujardin, I just think they both deserved it.
        And please stop lying and check your facts ! Untouchable is a great exportable movie as it is, it reached success in other countries, there isn’t only the US, and François Cluzet has always been a great french actor, so it ‘s not a movie less worthy than The Artist.
        Omar Sy got the best actor prize in Tokyo, so what ? America is more important than Japan ?? You ‘re the one excluding countries now;
        I don’t see why you are making a fuss about this. If Omar Sy didn’t have the César, people would have been saying that France doesn’t want to give it to one of the most successful movies of it’s history because it’s a comedy. Dany Boon complained about it 2 years ago, so theAcademy asnwered …

  13. Let’s see….. the Untouchables was seen  by 25 millions French viewers, and The Artist by 1.5 million.
    Considering the HUGE success of Untouchables here in France, it certainly deserved the ONE Cesar it got last night. The Artist has been and will be doing fine here and abroad, in terms of accolades. I’m sure Dujardin will be ok with his Oscar.
    He’s a pretty humble guy, he’s not going to gloat or come back to France with anger issues.
    Unlike a certain blogger.

  14. Backing up an industry??? This is all cinema is about ? Back up to back up? 
    This is the most arrogant argument I have ever heard. 
    Even though French people love Jean Dujardin, Omar Sy and his “Intouchables” moved The French like no other movies did in the last decade. 
    An award should only have value if the majority agree with the result. The fact is, here in France, everybody was happy for Omar because we think he deserves it. We thought it was fair he received it. If Dujardin won at the BAFTAs , the Golden globes etc… it is because he was the best, and the other contestant did not stand a chance. 
    At the CESAR, he had two serious competitors : Cluzet and Sy. Sy won and that’s it !!!
    Cinema is not just a question of backing up industry ( you probably meant money more than industry because our movie industry is doing fine thank you) It is acknowledging that everybody has its chance to win an award for the sake of TALENT and POPULARITY.
    Bravo Omar SY and Good luck to Dujardin for the Oscar!

  15. Hi everyone, I’am a french person that was just looking for news regarding the Oscars adventure of “The artist”, a famous american search engine led me here. I found the article surprisingly agressive so I fell like giving a perspective from a dying country !
    First I can assure you that here jean dujardin is well known, respected, both for his person and his work.
    Second the cesars awards are by definition of a french perspective of the film arts. Omar’s movie had an huge success here, it deals with humour, sensibility AND talent to a sensitive subject here: the exclusion of persons from our society. On the other hand, the artist is a vibrant homage to the american movies (that we love) and the oscar being, also by definition, a american perspective, it does makes sense to me that it receives a warmer welcome on you side of the Atlantic. You could argue that the question is only about the actor’s performance, but I personally don’t think it can ever be separated for the movie in which he acts…
    Third and finally, I read that a big part of the team that worked on “The artist” was american… I would have expected more sense of mutual interest from a country that states to value so much the melting of cultures ! On my side I’am more than enthusiast seeing what comes out of this mixing of our respective cultures and talents
    Regard, and please forgive me for the english mistakes.

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