I rarely use Medium Format Digital Camera when I shoot, as I find them overkill - I recently tried out the Hasselblad H4D-50 - Here is Benjamin Kanarek's Review Read More
A very important aspect of choosing which part of the subject shall be hit by which type of light source is something I consider very closely when doing a selective lighting exercise in my shoots - Part 5 of the series Read More
I like to look at lighting in two ways. As sculpture or as painting. As sculpture when you start with an overall wash of light and like painting when you commence in complete darkness. It is for this reason that I would like to suggest lighting systems and accessories that may assist you in attaining your final goals in lighting your subject or scenario. Read More
In the film Blade Runner, the lighting was strange and beautiful. It was also very challenging to the technicians. Making the actors look good under the type of lighting used was a real feat. Kino Flo lighting was often used and not conventionally. Read More
Here is my new lighting tip about lighting your next fashion shoot -
Continuous Light vs Flash Lighting in Fashion Photography Read More
Now that you have your light set up for the model and the reflection of the object on the background, it is time to determine the ambiance your wish to create. If you are looking for a more "Cinema Noir" look you may wish to isolate the foreground from the background by increasing the out put of the flash on the subject and letting the background go darker by another 1 to 2 stops. Read More
Lighting Sketch © benjamin Kanarek Now that you have put together some of the tools required for this first exercise,... Read More
Lighting a set for a photo is a very fickle entity. Why do I say that? Because light can play many tricks on us and is often elusive in it's ethereal state. It has many frequencies and understanding those wave lengths might help us understand the grand palette of nuances available that we can play with. Read More
Using reflective dominant light as your primary on your subject as another perspective on how to light for your fashion shoot Read More